DNR Mission Statement
The mission of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is to work with Minnesotans to conserve and manage the state's natural resources, to provide outdoor recreation opportunities, and to provide for commercial uses of natural resources in a way that creates a sustainable quality of life.
Plan Request
Sent: 1/20/2024
To: Louise.Thompson@state.mn.us and Mitch.Boyum@state.mn.us
CC: sen.jeremy.miller@senate.mn
Subject: 2024 Invasive Species Plan for the Root River Bike Trail
I am putting together a web site with information on how invasive species are impacting the Root River Bike Trail. I would like to include the MN DNR plan for managing invasive species in 2024. Can you provide this information?
Gary Wilson
Houston, MN
MN DNR Response to Rep. Greg Davids
From: Jennifer Goblirsch (Jennifer.Goblirsch@house.mn.gov)
Date: 02/14/24 08:48
To: gmw@acegroup.cc
Subject: Rep. Davids
Dear Mr. Wilson,
We have heard back from the DNR and here is their response to what you shared with Rep. Davids:
• DNR staff regularly check the trail and treat invasive species as time and funding allow. While we do not have any large-scale treatment or removal projects planned for this section of trail at this time, there is at least some degree of invasive species management conducted each year.
• The highest priorities for invasives species control are poison hemlock, Japanese knotweed, and Japanese hops which are treated along the trail.
• Given the large amounts of buckthorn and honeysuckle as well as the difficulty in controlling (and preventing reinfestation), removal of those species does not occur with much frequency.
• This portion of the trail segment is largely composed of open or edge habitats, which makes it challenging to limited reinfestation of invasives after removal. In situations such as this, we focus on keeping the trail passable/functional and limiting the potential for invasives to spread rather than on eradication.
I hope this provides you with information that is helpful.
Best Regards,
Jennifer H. Goblirsch
Legislative Assistant
Rep. Dean Urdahl 16A
Rep. Greg Davids 26B
283A State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
4/4/2024 letter from Paul Kurvers Central Region Manager MN DNR
Division of Parks and Trails
1200 Warner Road
St. Paul, MN 55106
April 3, 2024
Dear Mr. Wilson,
Recent reports from our area office and the Department of Natural Resources Enforcement division have raised serious concerns related to unsanctioned activity on state owned and managed land. This activity is also documented on your personal website (https://rootriverbiketrailinvaders.com/). Despite multiple efforts by the Parks and Trails Area Supervisor to communicate these concerns, your activity and interference has continued.
This includes but is not limited to:
• Unauthorized chemical treatments
• Use of personal power tools including chainsaws
• Unauthorized removal of trees
These actions are far beyond the scope of your last signed volunteer agreement in 2021 and are not consistent with DNR Workplace Behaviors. All DNR volunteers are obligated to adhere to DNR Workplace Behaviors and DNR safety training requirements. As noted in your most recent signed agreement, volunteers are expected to follow the same rules and regulations as employees concerning use of computers, email, Internet use, phones, workplace behaviors, alcohol and drug use, violence prevention, harassment, discrimination, and code of ethics (M.S. 43A.38).
The Parks and Trails Area Supervisor has also provided you with specific instructions and a timeline for reengaging as a volunteer and has made reasonable requests that you cease the above-described activity (email dated January 11th, 2024). Your response which involved other DNR employees and local partners since that request was made is not consistent with the DNR’s Culture of Respect and above DNR Workplace Behaviors.
Because of the above actions, we are terminating your volunteer relationship with the DNR effective immediately. Please note that further unsanctioned activity may result in further involvement from the DNR’s Enforcement Division.
Thank you for your interest in the conservation of Minnesota’s natural resources.
Paul Kurvers Central Region Manager